The Mundane

Numbing morning it is
Deafening Routine life,
Fan sound assures the functionality of my ears.
Daily readings and Journaling
Heart recalls yesterday’s conversation
Brain struggles to focus
Eyes are everywhere
Noticing the mundane
Need someone as a diversion
Yet I pacify my heart,
It’s just sleep deprivation.

Hello November!

Grey is beautiful too!

November is here
Petition to change the weather please!
It’s not good for the unromantic in me.
Occasionally pouring;
Constantly gloomy;
Even the Sun hates to get out of bed
How would I?
I’d be an adult burrito wrapped up in blankets sipping hot chocolate.
Fantasizing or cuddling the pillows,
Don’t know which is keeping me warm.
Ahm.. God, are you listening?
Let me be real and happy!
Not a fan of dreamy and dreary.

What if

What if God’s not here?
What if Christ had not been born?
What if there’s no resurrection?
What if there’s no salvation?
What if there’s no word in the beginning?
What if there’s no Bible?
What if there’s no Christianity?
And What if there’s no Church or fellowship to worship and praise?
For sure I’ll be doomed!
I’ll be in my darkest hell hole for the rest of my life.
I can never live without my God!
This realisation hits harder than I expected.
I can never be consoled by this world
But by his word I do.
I thought of the irreversible grandeur of God’s grace in picking me.
Why me?
All these years, thought that I chose Christianity.
And all I cared was to be a good kid in receiving selfish blessings.
Oh! what a pitiful fool am I.
What made you choose me?
If my daily life depends on you every milli micro second, how will I be without you?
My gratitude is never enough.
Never will be.
What will I be without you?
Only thing I can assure with my life,
I’m in love with God
Deeply, Truly and Irrevocably!

Oh you’ve been so good to me!

A Father’s day wish!

Oh how do I even begin to describe my heavenly Father!
You are ….. OK no words literally
After this much years I now understand why everyone calls you Father
You are so so so and so good
You literally lifted me up from the falling pit
Your love cannot be described in words.
The heart thumping excitement and the joy that fills my eyes with sweet tears.
That cannot be contained in mere words.
You’re the most calming and sustainable energy for me.
Nowadays I see the mighty warrior king side of you,
as I’m being tormented again and again.
Your furious side against the devil makes my day victorious.
And the therapist in you can never be explained!
It can only be experienced.
I’ve wondered how God can speak to us?
I’m now beginning to understand your communication is the most amazing thing in this world.
Your way of speaking makes me to hate the worldly way of communication.
Your abounding grace is what makes our relationship so so so and so special.
I love you Jesuspaaa!
You’ve been unexplainably good to me!
I don’t deserve this much love and grace.
Yet you made me worthy in the new covenant.
You made me your daughter!
What more can I ask?!
I love you Jesuspaaa!

Happy Father’s day Jesuspaaa 😘

Before it’s too late

Heartwarming and Heartwrenching
The times we had.
No other language can add up to describe all the moments.
So just one thing I’m obligated
to describe,
What if it’s the food or
What if it’s the climate
I asked myself to justify that I’m not too emotional or weak.
Yeah! yeah! yeah!
It’s always the bond.
That ‘one last time’ hit me harder than I expected.
I will tell my grandkids the story of boori & friends and cherish this forever.
Believe it or not
Food tastes exceptionally great when had with the people you love.
Cherish those moments before it’s too late.


Littlest time I gave you
Made me think I’m religious.
I silently loosen my grip on your hand.
Going back to lose myself, flaunt my feelings and float in a mirage.
Only to gain chaos, stress and recurrent sighs.
You know I’m embarrassed.
Sometimes I think it’s mandatory to be immersed in social media.
I don’t know why?
But I think it’s my old self who’s been showing herself time to time.
She wanna make herself to be known and not forgotten.
Maybe I name her my inner child so that she be with me.
I’m the reason for my deep long sighs.
Please make me realize you’re enough.
Whatever the time or place
I need you
Eventhough I dump my head with entertaining series or songs
I find solace in your words.
C’mon, let’s go papa!

Child’s cry

Why can’t I grow up?
Why does the littlest things according to my parents bothers me the most?
After a long long time
I heard the child’s cry
Silent adult cry I expected
But this rapid breathing
Heart thumping cry
Wordless complaint to God
Even I can’t understand
God laughs
God’s confused
Little amazed by his own creature’s chaotic behavior
Now arrives normal breathing
With puffed up eyes and saggy cheeks
Thinking of my broken treasure
That I bought myself as a gift
For being a mature woman !
Irony they say
Still can’t believe my friends merch mug is in the bin scattered.

Being in my 20s

Being in my 20s hits different.
I don’t want the things I wanted few years ago
My very view of this world changed.
Abs , beard, cute dimple, jaw bone, veiny hands doesn’t matter anymore
I hate myself for being like a grownup
I’m controlling myself from overspending
This is so not me!
I cried when the hero’s mother tortured the heroine
But now I’m crying as the main leads finally kissed after 12 episodes
My eyes are fixed on a kindhearted gentleman rather than a guy with dreamy blue eyes!
It’s upsetting when folks talk about marriage.
But I find myself obsessed with true love’s happy pursuits,
Wondering about the whereabouts of my man begins my night
The way he talks and laughs and silently cares about me begins my day!

Occasional visitor

To My dear visitor,
I know we need our partnership to be
Like a friend in need
Not a roommate relationship
I never think of you always
Winters are the days I need you the most
I’ll be reminded of you while eating icecream
But my parents don’t really like you
And your influence in me
They hate themselves for introducing you to me
I hear them pray sincerely for me
Not to get addicted to you
Somedays I try hard to distance you
You know you find your way back
But I never thought I’ll be craving for you in this hot summer day
I avoided you for weeks
Couldn’t bear to watch me suffer
My parents brought you home
Let me get a good tight sleep with you tonight
Do your magic!
And don’t come here till winter
Bubye L-montus !
(My cough and cold tablet)

#sneezing #cough #weak #needinghim