What if

What if God’s not here?
What if Christ had not been born?
What if there’s no resurrection?
What if there’s no salvation?
What if there’s no word in the beginning?
What if there’s no Bible?
What if there’s no Christianity?
And What if there’s no Church or fellowship to worship and praise?
For sure I’ll be doomed!
I’ll be in my darkest hell hole for the rest of my life.
I can never live without my God!
This realisation hits harder than I expected.
I can never be consoled by this world
But by his word I do.
I thought of the irreversible grandeur of God’s grace in picking me.
Why me?
All these years, thought that I chose Christianity.
And all I cared was to be a good kid in receiving selfish blessings.
Oh! what a pitiful fool am I.
What made you choose me?
If my daily life depends on you every milli micro second, how will I be without you?
My gratitude is never enough.
Never will be.
What will I be without you?
Only thing I can assure with my life,
I’m in love with God
Deeply, Truly and Irrevocably!

Oh you’ve been so good to me!

A Father’s day wish!

Oh how do I even begin to describe my heavenly Father!
You are ….. OK no words literally
After this much years I now understand why everyone calls you Father
You are so so so and so good
You literally lifted me up from the falling pit
Your love cannot be described in words.
The heart thumping excitement and the joy that fills my eyes with sweet tears.
That cannot be contained in mere words.
You’re the most calming and sustainable energy for me.
Nowadays I see the mighty warrior king side of you,
as I’m being tormented again and again.
Your furious side against the devil makes my day victorious.
And the therapist in you can never be explained!
It can only be experienced.
I’ve wondered how God can speak to us?
I’m now beginning to understand your communication is the most amazing thing in this world.
Your way of speaking makes me to hate the worldly way of communication.
Your abounding grace is what makes our relationship so so so and so special.
I love you Jesuspaaa!
You’ve been unexplainably good to me!
I don’t deserve this much love and grace.
Yet you made me worthy in the new covenant.
You made me your daughter!
What more can I ask?!
I love you Jesuspaaa!

Happy Father’s day Jesuspaaa 😘


Littlest time I gave you
Made me think I’m religious.
I silently loosen my grip on your hand.
Going back to lose myself, flaunt my feelings and float in a mirage.
Only to gain chaos, stress and recurrent sighs.
You know I’m embarrassed.
Sometimes I think it’s mandatory to be immersed in social media.
I don’t know why?
But I think it’s my old self who’s been showing herself time to time.
She wanna make herself to be known and not forgotten.
Maybe I name her my inner child so that she be with me.
I’m the reason for my deep long sighs.
Please make me realize you’re enough.
Whatever the time or place
I need you
Eventhough I dump my head with entertaining series or songs
I find solace in your words.
C’mon, let’s go papa!

God of mine

I never knew you as a jealous person
I knew that you love me even if I betray you
And I knew you’ve never stopped thinking about me
You’re such a caring man
To be with you, gives me the perfect warmth in a winter night.
I know one thing about you
That I heard when I was little
You’re the man of your word!
Yes you are!
And the love you show is unconditional.
I’m such a loser yearning for worldly love and care
When I have someone who invented love being fond of me
Yes, I’m pathetic as I’m going after someone who know me a little
When I have someone who knew me even before I was born.
He knows the littlest things that gives me happiness.
And loves when I just utter 2 words in reply.
I hate myself for not being there when he needed me the most.
He just wants my time and a little love.
Not like the humans who rob my time and energy for their welfare.
I’m sorry my love!
I will be good to you….
Coz I really don’t find any refuge in this poor world.
You’re my everything.
I love you, Jesuspaaa!

#JesusChrist #Jesusmylove #Jesusmyfather #Jesusmysavior #Jesusiloveyou #God’slove